Help members get the most out of their workouts

We provide fitness tracking software to fitness facilities, YMCAs, Hospital Recreation Centers and Government Recreation Centers whose mission is to improve the health and wellbeing of their members with programs and services which build spirit, mind, and body.

Management & Executives

Provide health and wellness opportunities by providing a dynamic experience to help with overall health and fitness goals.

Facility Members

Increase your member engagement and retention. Boost personal training participation.

Staff and Trainers

Equip staff and trainers with the tools they need to support members and a central place of all reporting and communication.

Connect your fitness equipment with the latest smart technology


Capture data

Automatically captures the user’s workout data, leading to increased exercise adherence and member loyalty.

Grow your business

Provides the motivation that leads to improved member engagement, adherence, and referrals.

Capture data

Coaches members individually through their workout, which provides a level of safety and confidence during every exercise.

Instructor support

Contains instructor tools that strengthen the connection between staff and members, helping fitness instructors better coach members through workouts.

Ready to get started?

Call us at (888) 784 – 2255 

Your Partner in Fitness Technology

With over 25 years experience, the FitLinxxTM System has helped millions of people attain their fitness goals. It’s a smart workout tracking technology that improves member engagement, helps staff better assist members, and gives members the support and motivation critical to developing positive workout habits.

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